Danny Li10/21/2023

Deciding Communication Modes: Meeting, Video, or Email?


Effective communication is a keystone for any successful organization. In the age of digital transformation, we're spoiled for choice when it comes to communication modes. But, how do you decide between a meeting, recording a video, or sending an email? Let's dive into some guiding principles.

Meetings: The Double-Edged Sword

  • Pros: Real-time feedback, fosters teamwork, can address complex issues.
  • Cons: Can be time-consuming, may not be productive if poorly managed.

Opt for meetings when you need:

  • Immediate feedback and brainstorming sessions.
  • To discuss sensitive topics, where tone and non-verbal cues are important.
  • To build team rapport or address team-wide concerns.

Video Recordings: Show, Don’t Just Tell

  • Pros: Visual demonstration, accessibility, can be reviewed multiple times.
  • Cons: No real-time interaction, potential tech barriers.

Videos are perfect when you need to:

  • Provide training or tutorials.
  • Showcase product demos or new features.
  • Deliver messages that require visualization, such as company updates or future visions.

Emails: Efficient and Effective, but Beware of Overuse

  • Pros: Written record, can be referred back, reaches large audiences.
  • Cons: Can be ignored or missed, lack of personal touch, potential for misinterpretation.

Emails are your go-to when:

  • Distributing information to a broad audience.
  • Providing updates or following up on tasks.
  • Sending documents or resources for review at the recipient’s convenience.

Other Scenarios: Mixing and Matching

Sometimes, a hybrid approach might be best. Consider these:

  • Chat Platforms: For quick queries and informal communications.
  • Collaborative Documents: For team projects where everyone needs to contribute.
  • Webinars: Combining the structure of meetings with the reach of videos.

In Conclusion

The medium of your message can greatly impact its effectiveness. Whether it's a meeting, a video, an email, or another method, always prioritize clarity, engagement, and the needs of your recipients. In the digital age, adaptability in communication is more than just a skill; it's a necessity.